
Скачать с Яндекс диска Eric Bennett Photography – Mindset: “Immersion”

Скачать с Яндекс диска Eric Bennett Photography – Mindset: “Immersion”

File Name:Eric Bennett Photography – Mindset: “Immersion”
Content Source:https://www.bennettfilm.com/Mindset
Genre / Category: Photography
File Size :253 MB
Updated and Published:March 10, 2024
Product Details

I have created this audio series to assist you in cultivating a more creative mindset before embarking on a photography session. The insights, lessons, exercises, and techniques shared in these various chapters aim to enhance your creative thinking, broaden your photographic possibilities, and help you recognize the potential in the landscape, lighting, and weather, regardless of your location. Despite having authored numerous articles and produced tutorial videos covering a wide range of techniques, approaches, and theories in nature photography, these resources are typically consumed at home on a computer. In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to overlook even the most valuable lessons we have learned. Moreover, with a busy work schedule, finding time to study photography before a trip can be challenging. A significant portion of a photographer’s time is spent traveling between locations, often in the car. It is impractical to read an article or watch a video while on the move. Recognizing this, I identified an opportunity to utilize this downtime to help you transition into a creative mindset by providing you with food for thought before reaching your destination. This approach will prepare you mentally to capture photographs and enable you to perceive potential scenes more clearly. My aim is to inspire you to think differently and view the world from fresh perspectives. I endeavor to motivate you to step outside your creative comfort zone, question conventional wisdom, and offer new insights on creating unique, meaningful, and expressive photographs with your equipment.

Скачать с Яндекс диска Eric Bennett Photography – Mindset: “Immersion”

Скачать с Яндекс диска Eric Bennett Photography – Mindset: “Immersion”
